Saturday 14 January 2017

Pottering around Hehuanshan (合歡山)

At 3000m high, Huehuanshan offers some fantastic views, plenty of hiking opportunities and, with the winding roads clinging to the mountain slopes, one of the most scenic drive you can wish for. 

Scootering around Hehuanshan area is brilliant. The road is narrow and full of buses and cars stopping for a selfie. Scooter just keeps you moving and getting closer to the scenery. The bending road makes you hum 'Born to be Wild' - till you hit one of the steeper ascents and all of the sudden the power is gone. 125cm scooter, two people and 3000m up - it gets interesting at times. Every now and then we we looked more like a rowing crew on a training machine. To get up it took some coordinated moves like being on a swing: up we go, up we go, up we go....

Read about the trip here. For photo gallery only head here.